Northern Education

Understanding the Ofsted Framework

We offer training for school teams in understanding the school inspection framework. This is usually through a one-day training event. We ask participants to bring with them their latest RAISEonline information and any lesson observation sheet that may be used in their school. The purpose of the session is to help participants understand the Ofsted Inspection Framework, how judgements are made and how robust self-evaluation can inform these judgements. The training takes participants through a number of key stages:

  • introduction and overview of the Ofsted inspection
  • schedule including understanding the main sections eg “provision” “Outcomes,” key terms such as “prime judgements” and “limiting grades” and how the sections fit together
  • activities that begin to deepen the understanding of the schedule including using the evaluation schedule descriptors for lesson observations
  • looking at the ‘attainment, progress and achievement sections.’ Here the delegates can use their own RAISEonline data and consider in more detail how judgements are recorded and made
  • preparing and planning for an inspection

To discuss your  particular requirements contact us at:

Christine Hopkins

Tel: 0191 594 5239